You are probably a lot like us. We value family, friends and our faith. We work hard and strive to enjoy every moment we’re given. We know Love is perhaps the most powerful force on earth.
We realize freedom has a great cost, and freedom includes responsibility… responsibility to do the next right thing. We may not have chosen what is happening to us, but we have a choice in what we do about it. We want to live a productive, good life. We are grateful by nature, and we realize we have a lot for which to be thankful.
We, like most people, have been inundated with negativity in the news- daily. We find our country divided. We hear the word ‘outrage’ far too often. We see the hearts of people growing colder and more calloused. We hear of people who are in need being passed by when a good Samaritan is called for. We see people more immersed in their phone than those at the table with them.
We could go on of course, but it is precisely the negativity that has moved us to want to do something about it.
Unwritten: Life Illuminated is an intentional, strategically planned movement toward the objective of uplifting, encouraging and edifying others on an individual, family and community scale, adaptable to the needs of each. It is designed to be positively contagious- a prototypical model adaptable to any community!
You are unique. In a world of billions, you are like no other. Much of your own story is yet to be written. We want to encourage you to write it well, no matter what is going on around you. We want to encourage you to choose positive over negative; light over darkness- the high road over the low road. We want to encourage you to cultivate your excellent character traits- the very things for which you want to be remembered.
So, think about it. Do you want to be remembered as kind, grateful, generous, giving, compassionate, empowering, brave, empathetic and loving? What kind of influence do you want to be?
We’re all blessed with the opportunity to choose the kind of person we want to be. Each day we write a bit more in each chapter of our own book. Life is a blank page. What’s your next chapter?

Our August 17th, 2019, event was a beautiful evening at which so many performers and speakers came together, bringing heart, soul and undeniable talent to uplift their community.
Our upcoming event, Unwritten: Life Illuminated - The Prelude, scheduled for March 20th, 2020, is dedicated to uplift our community in the midst of fear and uncertainty. As many of you already know, the St. George Tabernacle is closed to all events and gatherings, effective Monday, March 16th.
As the saying goes, "the show must go on." Together, we're going to deliver one of the greatest shows ever! We just can't have a live audience. What we can do is professionally film our show and deliver it to as many people as possible in our community! We will be investing heavily to boost and promote our filmed show in a video format on several platforms to include YouTube and Facebook. We are also working to determine ways we may be able to have our show broadcast using other means. Stay tuned for further updates here and on our Facebook page!
You won't want to miss our follow-up events in 2020, featuring many breakout, educational, inspirational and fun activities!
Our breakout events are designed to appeal to the whole family, and will include: Aspiration Station, Dream Catching with Lyndy Butler, Out of the Mouths of Babes, Ponder and Sing - It's a Great Thing, The Road of Life, Paint Happy, and many more! The activities, stage performances, food and surprise elements of this program which are planned, will be unforgettably uplifting, inspiring and positively memorable!​
Stay tuned for more information on our upcoming event(s)!