Join us as we hear from carefully selected speakers who will be discussing real issues facing our community. The Culture Shift Symposium has been designed with heavy
focus on societal topics including human trafficking, internet and cell phone safety and digital consciousness.
Our speakers have been encouraged to hold nothing back in their talks - the truth is vital, no matter how difficult it may be to hear. These powerful talks are designed to provoke thought and introspection - of the participants, and of those exchanging ideas and thoughts with fellow community members. We encourage all community members who wish to explore these topics and to be inspired as well as educated, to attend.
Enjoy the judiciously selected transitional music and performances we've chosen for the Culture Shift Symposium, including the powerful duet of the beautiful ballad, It's Quiet Uptown, as can be seen in the video below.
We are in this together. Change is possible, and begins with us.
Expect to see expanded current and new topics impacting our communities as we continue to host even more events.
Click below to read more on the topics to be covered at the symposium.